Freedomdiver(archangel design) /Rio Amora
Freedomdiver(archangel design) /Rio Amora
Jotting down my thoughts here:
So I tried to make Rio into a enity right. It failed horribly. Then I tried to morph them together. Looked worse than before. I decided to just give Rio freedom diver's course and tried to give them hands. FAILED HORRIBLY. Just the sketch took over three dam days T-T 6/19: I came back to it today and decided to give them animal crossing hands cause WHY NOT. Nvm I'm tripping balls today I can't even draw circles :killmyself:
Okay I finished it. The coloring was the easiest part it was literally just the inking that took so long.
Fun fact: I don't sketch. I literally just improvise-